Friday, June 14, 2013

Patriotic Wreath

My mom had seen an American flag wreath and wanted me to make one for our front door since the Fourth of July was quickly approaching. Below I will describe step-by-step instructions to make this very easy and cheap wreath!

What you need:
1 styrofoam wreath 14"
18 sheets of felt (I used 6 sheets of each red, white and blue for this wreath, but any colors and combinations would work)
Straight pins- I bought a container of 200 and used all of them
Ribbon (optional)

The first thing you want to do is cut all your felt into 2" by 2" squares. They don't have to be perfect by any means as you will see from the following picture! I folded each sheet hotdog style twice and cut it so I ended up with 4 strips. Then I cut each strip into 4 "squares." I ended up with 72 squares of each color, which was more than enough for this wreath.

Next, take each square and gather it like a piece of tissue paper. There should be a point at one end, and the other end should be open. See picture below.

Next, you are going to pin each square the the wreath. It is important to pin through the point of the square and not through the middle. After pinning a few on the wreath, you will get the hang of it and the rest of the wreath goes by quickly!

The following is a picture after I completed the first section of red. I went ahead and marked each section so that I could try to keep them as even as possible. Continuing pinning the squares until the whole wreath is finished.

Here is a picture of the completed wreath! You can also add a ribbon to the back of the wreath, or just hang it how it is.

Hope this helped you make your own felt wreath! I would love to see any of y'alls as well!


  1. Cute wreath!! I can't wait to see more of your adventures! Stop by my blog if you have the chance. :)

  2. I LOVE it! I need to make one now!

    1. You do! It's super easy and doesn't cost much either!!
